So you think you wish to become private? For some this may be an easy decision and for others this may not be as easy and clear cut of a decision. We have created a few videos for you to watch before making that final decision. We suggest you watch all 5 of them first and then if you still believe this is the path you wish to follow we can help you learn more and help you change your status.

The most important take away from these videos is that to be private is to know WHO YOU ARE REALLY.

To be able to change your status is not just a piece of paper, although we have a declaration that you can download, fill out, have witnessed and serve or record in the defacto. This is more a declaration of intent. You are basically stating you are no longer under the jurisdiction of the United States Corporation. It is important to know that just filling out and recording this piece of paper is not the end of becoming private, but rather the beginning. As in the videos it tells you that you are committing to helping to build the community and courts. Even if in a small way, every person makes a big difference and there is something for everyone to get involved in depending on your passion.

Authenticating your birth certificate, securing a non-US Citizen passport and Non-US Citizen Drivers License, moving assets into irrevocable trusts, moving trades into private membership agreements and associations, and reclaiming your land patent are just samples of what you can do to free yourself from corporate control of the all capitalized name and peacefully move into the private. We have many resources you can access to learn about the fraud and move at your own pace as you are confident in the steps.

The Declaration of Life may be edited to make it your own statement of intent. There is no set in stone way to do this. If you have questions or need help you can contact us and your county contact can help explain it further.

Download Declaration of Life

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